Com1 [baud rate][data bit][parity][stop bit – ICP DAS USA MSM-508 User Manual

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Industrial Redundant Ring Switch – Managed Switch Console Manual

Release No. : 0804-V1


COM1 [baud rate][data bit][parity][stop bit]


The first serial port

Com1 is assigned for RS232. This command enables you to set up the

transmission speed (baud rate),data bit (data bit), parity check type (parity) and stop bit

(stop bit).

The transmission speed parameter [baud rate] allows the following settings: 300, 600,

1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200. The port speed and device

speed must match.

The number of data bits can be 7 (for true ASCII) or 8 (for any kind of data, as this matches

the size of a byte),

The parity check code can be set to none (0), even (1), or odd (2). None (0) means that no

parity bit is sent at all. Even (1) means applying even parity check, each set of transmitted

bits must have an even number of set bits. Odd (2) means applying odd parity check, each

set of transmitted bits must have an odd number of set bits.

Stop bit is used in asynchronous communications to indicate the end of a piece of data.




baud rate

Provides the baud rate (300 or 600 or 1200 or 2400 or 4800 or 9600 or 19200

or 38400 or 57600 or 115200)for your usage, default value is 115200

data bit

Provides the data bit value(7 or 8), default value is 8


Provides the parity check type, none (0) , even (1), odd (2):, default value is 0.

stop bit

Provides the stop bit (1 or 2), default value is 1.
