IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter User Manual
Adapter for i2 user guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Integration broker compatibility
- Contents
- About this document
- Chapter 1. Overview of the connector
- Chapter 2. Installing and configuring the connector
- Chapter 3. Understanding business objects for the connector
- Chapter 4. Generating business objects using i2 ODA
- Chapter 5. Troubleshooting and error handling
- Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors
- New and deleted properties
- Configuring standard connector properties for WebSphere InterChange Server
- AdminInQueue
- AdminOutQueue
- AgentConnections
- AgentTraceLevel
- ApplicationName
- BrokerType
- CharacterEncoding
- ConcurrentEventTriggeredFlows
- ContainerManagedEvents
- ControllerStoreAndForwardMode
- ControllerTraceLevel
- DeliveryQueue
- DeliveryTransport
- DuplicateEventElimination
- FaultQueue
- JvmMaxHeapSize
- JvmMaxNativeStackSize
- JvmMinHeapSize
- jms.FactoryClassName
- jms.MessageBrokerName
- jms.NumConcurrentRequests
- jms.Password
- jms.UserName
- Locale
- LogAtInterchangeEnd
- MaxEventCapacity
- MessageFileName
- OADAutoRestartAgent
- OADMaxNumRetry
- OADRetryTimeInterval
- PollEndTime
- PollFrequency
- PollStartTime
- RequestQueue
- RepositoryDirectory
- ResponseQueue
- RestartRetryCount
- RestartRetryInterval
- SourceQueue
- SynchronousRequestQueue
- SynchronousResponseQueue
- SynchronousRequestTimeout
- TraceFileName
- WireFormat
- Configuring standard connector properties for WebSphere MQ Integrator
- Appendix B. Connector Configurator
- Using Connector Configurator in an internationalized environment
- Starting Connector Configurator
- Choosing your broker
- Using a connector-specific property template
- Using Connector Configurator with ICS as the broker
- Setting the configuration file properties (ICS)
- Setting the configuration file properties (WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker)
- Using standard and connector-specific properties with Connector Configurator
- Completing the configuration
- Appendix C. Connector feature list
- Appendix D. Notices