Preface, Related publications – IBM PC 300GL User Manual

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000



This Technical Information Manual provides information for the IBM PC 300GL
personal computer types 6563, 6564, 6574 and PC 300PL personal computer type 6565.
The Manual is intended for developers who want to provide hardware and software
products to operate with these IBM computers and provides an in-depth view of how
these IBM computers work. Users of this publication should have an understanding
of computer architecture and programming concepts.

Related publications

In addition to this Manual, the following IBM publications provide information
related to the operation of the IBM PC 300GL and PC 300PL personal computer.
Several publications mentioned in this book are available from the IBM Web site. In
some cases, you will have to follow further instructions on the Web site to find the
document for your particular computer and model. To order printed publications in
the U.S. and Puerto Rico, call 1-800-879-2755. In other countries, contact an IBM
reseller or an IBM marketing representative.

PC 300GL and PC 300PL User Guide

This publication contains information about configuring, operating, and
maintaining the PC 300GL and the PC 300PL personal computer, as well as
installing new options in the PC 300GL and PC 300PL personal computer. Also
included are warranty information, instructions for diagnosing and solving
problems, and information on how to obtain help and service.

Understanding Your Personal Computer

This online document includes general information about using computers and
detailed information about the features of the PC 300GL and the PC 300PL
personal computer. This publication is available on the World Wide Web at

About Your Software

This publication (provided only with computers that have IBM-preinstalled
software) contains information about the preinstalled software package.

Hardware Maintenance Manual

This publication contains information for trained service technicians. It is
available at on the World Wide Web, and it
can also be ordered from IBM. To purchase a copy, see the "Getting Help,
Service, and Information" section in the PC 300GL and PC 300PL User Guide.

Compatibility Report

This publication contains information about compatible hardware and software
for the PC 300GL and PC 300PL personal computer. It is available at on the World Wide Web.

Network Administrator’s Guide

This publication contains information for network administrators who configure
and service local area networks (LANs). Look for this publication at on the World Wide Web.