A.2 php – IBM Data Server DB2 User Manual

Page 276

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DB2 Deployment Guide

/* disconnect from the database */
printf("\n Disconnecting from the database %s...\n", dbname);
cliRC = SQLDisconnect(hdbc);

/* free connection handle & environment handle */

cliRC = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
cliRC = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);


Example A-2 shows the application used to demonstrate the deployment of the
DB2 PHP application.

Example: A-2 Sample PHP application

/* A sample php application.
Use this program to test connection to a database.
Database connectivity information is read as command line arguments.
Give arguments in the following order:
hostname port_number database_name user password

Run the application as following:
php itso_phpapp.php hostname port_number database_name user password

# Varifying the number of command line arguments.
if($argc != 6) {

printf(" ERROR: incorrect command line arguments.\n Use hostname

port_number database_name user_name password\n", $argv[0]);

# Creating dsn from command line arguments.
$dsn = "HOSTNAME=" . $argv[1] .
";PORT=" . $argv[2] .
";DATABASE=" . $argv[3] .
";UID=" . $argv[4] .
";PWD=" . $argv[5];

print "Trying to establish connection...\n";