IBM Data Server DB2 User Manual
Page 165

Chapter 4. Deploying applications with DB2
To access DB2, Java uses either dynamic SQL or static SQL. Dynamic SQL is
supported by the
standard, Java database connectivity, which basically is
a Java implementation of ODBC. Static SQL is supported by
. While JDBC
is an open standard that can interact with most database management systems,
SQLJ is specific to DB2.
Before you can access DB2 from your Java application, these prerequisites must
be in place:
Java runtime environment:
Because Java is an interpreted language, the runtime environment is required
in order to execute the bytecode. The runtime environment is platform
dependent and must match the operating system.
IBM Data Server Driver:
If either IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client is present,
installing the IBM Data Server Driver is not required. Otherwise, IBM Data
Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ is required to run the application.
Installation procedure
First of all, you have to install the Java runtime environment (JRE), which usually
does not come with the operating system. For all the different operating systems,
you must ensure that the version of the installed JRE matches the architecture of
the operating system. That is, you must use a 64-bit JRE on a 64-bit platform and
a 32-bit JRE on a 32-bit platform.
Usually AIX is shipped with a Java runtime environment. The current level
shipped with AIX 5.3 is 1.4. You can download another version of the JRE
from this Web site:
Windows and Linux:
Java runtime environments for non-IBM platforms can be downloaded from
this Web site:
The IBM Data Server Driver installation procedure is described in 4.1.1, “IBM
Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ” on page 138.