IBM Data Server DB2 User Manual
Page 196

DB2 Deployment Guide
Uncompress the download file, change to the newly created directory, and
run the following command to install it on Linux, UNIX, and Windows:
ruby setup.rb
You can install Rails from the command line if your system has Internet
access by using the following command on Linux, UNIX, and Windows:
gem install rails --include-dependencies
Otherwise, download the latest Rails from:
If you are installing Rails manually, install
as well. It can be
downloaded from:
IBM Data Server Driver for CLI support:
The Ruby driver and Rails adaptor utilize CLI to communicate with DB2. If
either IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client is present,
this step is not required. Otherwise, IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and
CLI is required to access DB2 database. Alternatively, for Windows systems,
you can use IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET. Both are
described in detail in 4.1.2, “IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC, CLI, and .NET,
and IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI” on page 143.
Installation procedure for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
IBM DB2 version 9.5 Linux, UNIX, and Windows, IBM Data Server Client and
IBM Data Server Runtime Client are shipped with IBM_DB gem files. Copy the
gem file from
file is named as ibm_db-xx.gem (where xx is the version of IBM_DB).
You can install IBM_DB gem on Linux, UNIX and Windows systems by issuing
the following command:
gem install ibm_db --ignore-dependencies
Alternatively, if your system has Internet access, you can get the latest gem by
using the following command:
gem install ibm_db
The latest gem and the source code can be downloaded from: