IBM Data Server DB2 User Manual

Page 154

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DB2 Deployment Guide

Installation procedure

You can obtain the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ from the DB2
product CD or download it from the IBM Web site at:

Remember that this downloaded driver can be used for Type 4 mode only. To
install the downloaded driver on the client machine:

1. Uncompress the compressed file,, to a

directory. The directory now contains db2jcc.jar, db2jcc4.jar, and files.

2. Include db2jcc.jar and in the CLASSPATH to start using the JDBC 3.0

specification driver. If you wish to use JDBC 4.0 specification driver, include
db2jcc4.jar and in the CLASSPATH instead.

3. A license file is required if connecting to a database in z/OS or i5/OS. Include

the license file named db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar in CLASSPATH to connect to
DB2 for z/OS and DB2 for i5/OS databases. All DB2 connect products include
this license file which is located in sqllib/java for the Linux or UNIX systems
and sqllib\java for the Windows systems.

IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ files

The IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ are installed by default when
you install IBM Data Server Client, IBM Data Server Runtime Client and server
products such as DB2 Enterprise Server Edition If your application is running on
the same system with these products, no further installation is required.

If the driver is installed with DB2 server product or client products, the class files
are placed in sqllib/java directory for Linux or UNIX systems and sqllib\java
directory for Windows systems. The files are:

db2jcc.jar and db2jcc4.jar

These file contain all JDBC classes and the SQLJ runtime classes for the IBM
Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ. DB2 includes db2jcc.jar in the
CLASSPATH during installation process. This file is for applications that use
JDBC 3.0 and earlier functions. You have to manually include db2jcc4.jar in
the CLASSPATH for using JDBC 4.0 and earlier functions. Do not include

Note: If you want to use Type 2 connectivity with your application, DB2 Data
Server Runtime client or another full DB2 product will be required.