Working with the setup menus, Configuration/setup utility menu – IBM 2196 User Manual
Page 76
BIOS Setup configuration
Working with the Setup menus
The Configuration/Setup Utility menu appears immediately after you press
Configuration/Setup Utility menu
The Configuration/Setup Utility menu lists system configuration options. When you
select one of these options, a menu for that option appears.
An option usually has only one menu, although some can have more than one. In
options with multiple menus, use the
keys to move from one menu
to another.
The following table lists specific keys on the keyboard that will help you move
through the Setup menus.
The Configuration/Setup Utility menu that you see on
your computer may look slightly different from the menu
shown here, but the options will operate just the same.
C o n fig u ra tio n /S e tu p U tility
S e le ct o p tio n :
S yste m S u m m a ry
P ro d u ct D a ta
D e vice s a n d I/O P o rts
S ta rt O p tio n s
D a te a n d T im e
A d va n ce d S e tu p
P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t S e tu p
C lo ck G e n e ra to r C o n fig u ra tio n
L o a d O p tim ize d D e fa u lts
S e t P a ssw o rd
S a ve & E xit S e tu p
E xit W ith o u t S a vin g
M o ve E nter:select
V a lue F 1 0 :S a ve E sc:E xit F 1 :H elp