Index – IBM 440 User Manual

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002. All rights reserved.




03K9309, ASM Interconnect Cable Kit 78
10K3661, Belkin USB to Serial Adapter 83
20-stage pipeline 16
220 V power 103
22P5298, IBM USB Serial/Parallel Adapter 83
22P6801, NetXtreme 1000 T Ethernet adapter 73
22P7801, NetXtreme 1000 SX Fiber Ethernet 73
31P5998, RXE-100 6-slot Expansion Kit 78
31P6087, 3.5 m management cable kit 82
31P6088, 8 m management cable kit 82
31P6102, 3.5 m Remote I/O cable kit 76, 80
31P6103, 8 m Remote I/O cable kit 80
31P6301, NetXtreme 1000T Ethernet adapter 73
31P8300, 1 GB DIMM 66
31P8840, 2 GB DIMM 66
32-bit PCI adapters 69
32P8340, SMP Expansion Module 17, 64–65
32P8705, 1.4 GHz Xeon Processor MP 64
32P8706, 1.5 GHz Xeon Processor MP 64
32P8707, 1.6 GHz Xeon Processor MP 64
33L3324, 512 MB DIMM 66
37L3533, 2.4 GHz Xeon Processor DP 16, 64
4816-12U, 9-16-way license kit 95
4816-1BX, Datacenter eight-way preload kit 94
4816-1DU, 1-16-way license kit 95
4816-ABX, Datacenter eight-way subscription 93
4816-ADX, Datacenter 16-way subscription 93
59P5171, 1.5 GHz Xeon Processor MP 64
59P5172, 1.9 GHz Xeon Processor MP 64
59P5173, 2.0 GHz Xeon Processor MP 64
71P7919, SMP Expansion Module 17, 65
8687-1AX 94
8687-1RX 3
8687-2AX 94
8687-2RX 3
8687-3AX 94
8687-3RX 3
8687-3RY 3
8687-4RX 3, 98
8687-4RY 3
8687-5RX 3, 98
8687-6RX 3, 98

8687-7RX 3


Active Memory 19

mirroring 21, 108

Active PCI driver

NetWare 122, 124
Windows 2000 116

Active PCI Manager 130–150

adapter keying 142
Add Card Wizard 137
adding adapters 136
analysis of existing adapters 144
Blink Slot command 139
boot devices 145
bus number 134
chassis number 132
configuration optimization 144
current speed 134
download 130
first slot label 133
inserting adapters 136
keying 142
LED status 134
lock options 140
low profile 134
max slot speed 134
optimization 144
performance analysis 146
PME signal 134
slot view 132
starting 131
stopping the adapter 148
table view 136
tree view 135
unit name 133
unlisted adapters 141
user’s guide 131
using 132
wizard 137

Active PCI-X 47
adapter speeds 70
adapter teaming 73