Poi near exit, Routing to a poi near an approaching motorway exit – Magellan 4010 User Manual

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POI Near Exit


POI Near Exit

The POI Near Exit function provides a way of accessing commonly used POIs that are near an exit you
are approaching while travelling on a motorway. POI Near Exit include restaurants, petrol stations,
auto repair shops and hotels. POI near Exit can be accessed while following a route or just driving
without a route, as long as you are on a motorway.

Routing to a POI Near an Approaching Motorway Exit

Note: This function is available only while on a motorway. Also, when you create a route to a POI

near an exit, the original route will be cancelled if you are following a route. You will need to reset
the original route when you are ready to continue.


From the Map screen, tap MENU.


Tap the POI Near Exit icon.


Tap on the POI icon (restaurant, petrol

station, garages or hotel) for the required


A list of POIs in the selected category that

are near the selected exit will be displayed.


Tap on the POI in the list that you want

routing directions to.


Select the Routing Method and tap the

orange Calculating Route button.

POI’s Near Exit List