Maxtor QSNDVR9M User Manual
Page 43

If you choose “OFF”, this function is disabled.
SETUP-REC-EVENT: Setup of the event record (Fig 3.2.16 Setup event record)
MOTION DETECTION (Fig 3.2.17 Setup motion detection):
AREA: This is the detection area setup
There are three options to choose: ALL, PART, OFF
ALL: All areas of the camera will be detected.
PART: The part of the area selected will be detected. Use the “Up” “Down” “Left” and “Right”
buttons to choose the part needed to be detected and use enter key to select/cancel the part. The part
selected will be in blue and the gray part will not be detected.
OFF: This function will be disabled.
SEN: This is the sensitivity of the motion detection. You can use the remote control or the number
buttons on front panel to set any value of sensitivity from 0 to 9. The higher the value, the more sensitive.
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