Motorola T720i User Manual
Page 91
1. Muscat et al. Epidemiological Study of Cellular Telephone Use and
Malignant Brain Tumors. In: State of the Science Symposium;1999 June 20;
Long Beach, California.
2. Tice et al. Tests of mobile phone signals for activity in genotoxicity and other
laboratory assays. In: Annual Meeting of the Environmental Mutagen
Society; March 29, 1999, Washington, D.C.; and personal communication,
unpublished results.
3. Preece, AW, Iwi, G, Davies-Smith, A, Wesnes, K, Butler, S, Lim, E, and Varey,
A. Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal on cognitive function
in man. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., April 8, 1999.
4. Hardell, L, Nasman, A, Pahlson, A, Hallquist, A and Mild, KH. Use of cellular
telephones and the risk for brain tumors: a case-control study. Int. J. Oncol.,
15: 113-116, 1999.
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