3 description, 4 csu/dsu basics, 1 dsu functions – Multi-Tech Systems MT56DSU-S User Manual
Page 7: 2 csu functions, 3 description 1.4 csu/dsu basics, Dsu functions, Csu functions

Chapter 1 - Introduction
The MT56DSU-S is compact, easy to operate and has the features to allow flexibility in meeting your
transmission requirements. The DDS is a service for transmission of digital signals via digital transmission
facilities exclusively. The MT56DSU-S is designed to meet AT&T Technical Publication 62310 requirements.
As such, the MT56DSU-S provides all the functions required on the customer side of the network.
You will find the MT56DSU-S easy to install, use and maintain. It is recommended that you read the entire
manual early in your experience with the MT56DSU-S so you can appreciate all of the MT56DSU-S features
and options.
CSU/DSU Basics
A DSU (Data Service Unit) and a CSU (Channel Service Unit) are typically connected to provide the interface
between DTE (data terminal equipment) and a DDS or other four-wire network.
The DSU processes serial synchronous digital data over the DDS network or other four-wire unloaded
twisted-pair network.
The MT56DSU-S contains the functions of a DSU and CSU in a single package.
1.4.1 DSU Functions
The DSU encodes data as pulses on the communications line by converting the customer data stream to
bipolar format for transmission over the digital network.
1.4.2 CSU Functions
The CSU terminates the digital circuit at the customer site. It performs line conditioning functions, ensures
network compliance with FCC rules, and responds to test commands (either from the Telco central office (CO)
or from the DSU).
The figure below shows the MT56DSU-S in a basic DDS network installation.
Figure 1-2. Basic DSU/CSU Configuration