Appendix d – Magellan 800 User Manual

Page 105

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Appendix D


16 ILL_DEFINED_3D_MATRIX 3X3 matrix can not be inverted in 3D fix

17 ILL_DEFINED_2D_MATRIX 2X2 matrix can not be inverted in 2D fix

20 NO_SAT_TIME no satellite time

23 NOT_ENOUGH_SATS no enough satellite for 2D or 3D fix


30 VELOCITY_2D_ONLY 2 satellite fix only for velocity, no position fix

31 BAD_VELOCITY_PDOP 50 too big pdop for velocity

32 TOO_MANY_SATS_FOR_2D_VEL there are 4 or more satellites, but 2D fix provided

51 WRONG_NUMSAT number of satellite for fix > 12 or less 2

56 LOOP_3D_NOT_CONVERGING 3D initial fix is not convergent

57 MILLISECOND_ERROR millisecond jump happened

58 LOOP_2D_NOT_CONVERGING 2Dinitial fix is not convergent

59 BAD_RANGE_CHITEST; range post-fix residuals chi-test failed

60 BAD_DOPPLER_CHITEST doppler post-fix residuals chi-test failed

61 OSC_DRIFT_ERR too much clock drift 60HZ for XO, 7.5HZ for TCXO

62 BAD_DOPPLER_ERR too big Doppler errors 4m/s

63 BIG_RANGE_RESID 110m/40m depend on virtual ttagl/ DGPS factors


65 HUGE_RANGE_RESID 10km normal for postfit residuals for range

66 HUGE_DOPPLER_RESID 100m/s normal for postfit residuals for doppler

Usually, Bad code is 20 and 23. If fix is good, it would be 0.

GPS STATUS Screen Structure - second page

Heading XXX (degree) Speeding XX.X (meter per second)

Current Lat: DDD.DDDDD W/E (current latitude, degree)

Current Long: DDD.DDDDD N/S (current longitude, degree)

Current altitude XXXX (altitude in mean sea level meter) TTFF XXXXs (Time-To-First-Fix in second)

#Satellite (U/T) XX/XX (the number of satellite used and tracked)

PDOP XX.X (Position Dilution Of Precision)

VDOP XX.X (Vertical Dilution of Precision)

TDOP XX.X (Time Dilution of Precision)

HDOP XX.X (Horizontal Dilution of Precision)

FOMS P/V/H (Figures Of Merits for position, velocity and heading in map matching)

UTC TIME MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS(UTC time without local zone)