Motion MMI-8S User Manual

Page 38

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HOMING. A major advantage of a digital Open-Loop step system is the ability to operate plus or minus zero steps (no
error). Two conditions are required. One is that the motor is sufficient for the load in normal operation and second,
that a reference position, commonly called the "home position", be consistently established during initialization of
the system. When step motors are rotated by counting (clocking) out a number of steps, in theory, the motion will
take place +/- zero steps. The exact mechanical position of the motor can vary by the motor step accuracy; typically
+/- 3 % of one step (non-cumlative). A proof of +/- zero step operation is, first, to reference a starting positon of the
motor or "home". During homing, the motor is stepped backwards into a switch, reversed, and then stepped forward
until the switch opens. The point of interest is not the exact mechanical position but rather on which step the switch
changed state. For that reason, only high resolution "PHOTO-LOGIC" optical-beam switches are used in TMG

SLIP-DETECTION. After the motor is home, the controller position counter is reset to the home position, typically
position 1 (one step out of the sensor). The motor is then stepped CW to any position. To slip-detect the system, the
motor is returned to position 1. If the sensor remains open, then the motor is stepped to positon 0. If the sensor
closes, the system is operating +/- zero steps (error free). Note that a single step lost (slip) will always result in at
least a movement of 4 full steps away from the correct position. Open loop systems are slip-detected at regular
intervals to prove continuing slip-free operation.

CENTER HOME AND CONTIGUOUS SLIP DETECTION. If the home sensor is located at the center of axis motion and
a step bar is mounted along the entire motion path, then the home position can be verified each time the system
crosses the center line. A stepped bar is thin strip with a left high SMCe and a right low SMCe. The high to low edge
is the center line.

LASH COMPENSATION. A major advantage of steppers is in their "repeatability" which is typically less than .01 %
because the digital controls are not affected by temperature, aging, voltage or adjustment. This allows errors such
as lash and distortion to be zeroed-out.

Lash compensation adds or subtracts steps, at each change of direction or because of other forces, to take-up the
lash error. Lash compensation is accomplished during the slip-detection process. When the system is slip-detected
the first time, the sensor will not close at position 0 because of the lash; home LED remains off. At this point, the
system is single-stepped CCW until the sensor closes; home LED is on. The number of CCW steps is the lash
compensation value. The system is re-homed and the counter loaded with this value (see At home command). The
motor is then moved some number of steps CW, returned to position 1 (sensor open), and finally position 0 (sensor
closed). The system is +/- zero steps.

Screw distortion error occurs when the screw pitch, which is so many turns per inch, does not move the correct
distance after the correct number of turns of the motor. For example, a 10 turn screw should cause linear travel of 1
inch every 2000 steps (200 step/rev motor). If, rather than commanding the motor controller to go in 2000 step
increments, the controller moves to absolute positions such as 2000, 4001, 6003, 7999, ect.; the error is eliminated.
This technique requires a control system which carries a "map" with each individual machine. The EEPROM memory
is suitable for this purpose.