Motion MMI-8S User Manual
Page 21

Reserved and Special Software Commands.
Writes 0's and CR's to memory.
Loads memory. Not same function as Basic F3 key.
Required to close comm port, close file, and clear error traps.
comma [,]
Do not use comma to separate elements of 545 commands (T,L, and ?
xx). Comma is a Basic symbol; use space instead.
HP-LED command string is not used.
Continuous Step Mode is normally not used with the CY545 unless
motion can be terminated with an external Abort signal. Refer also
to the
CY550 which is an advanced version which has a larger
selection of on-the-fly
software commands.
Special Aspects of Some Commands.
The Wait command causes the 545 to wait at the instruction,
therefore incoming stop commands will not be processed. Use a T
command in a jump to itself.
L, Z
These loop instructions assume that the first pass of a routine
before reaching the loop command was the 1st loop pass. In
general, the loop count must be one less than required. Also
see J & T below.
These commands are followed by a numeric value in Hexdecimal
which is desinated by the H following the value. The decimal and
the hex values for 0 to 7 are the same and the H can be omitted.
Homing is a single step operation. The Busy signal is not
continuously set during homing but cycles every step. It is best
therefore that homing is executed from memory.
J, T
Any Jump or Test operation, which includes L & Z commands,
must not cross the memory page boundry which is ever 256
bytes; 256, 512, 768, 1024, etc. Use the Y for global jumps.
Installation and Test Procedure
Connect AC power cord.
Connect motors, verify that driver current is correct for motors. See
Appendix C for current adjustment and Appendix D for motor wiring.
Connect CI cable. Limit Loop must be closed for motor to run.
Connect the serial cable and turn-on computer system.
Connect the AC power and turn-on power switch or supplies. Verify
that: AC neon; power is present. DC lamp; motor power (VMM) is OK. All
LEDs are off except for BUSY.