Motion MMI-8S User Manual
Page 17

The SMC motion control system consists of two basic elements; the controller card and the MS
driver card. The controller card (CY5.4) contains the Cybernetic CY 545 or CY 550 Step Motor
Controller and a 2K character EEPROM (non-volatile) for storing application routines. Refer to
the Cybernetics 545 manual for a description of the 545 microprocessor and its "High-Level"
command set (26 characters and symbols). All actions of this system are controlled by these
Two of the eight User Bits of the 545 (USRB 0-7) are assigned to a specific function. The
remainder are for general purpose Input and Output functions (I/O) such as controlling relays or
valves (output) and reading switches (input). The command set of the Cybernetic 545 contains
instructions such as Test, Wait, Delay, Loop which are used along with the motion instructions to
provide a wide range of machine operations. The SMC system can also be discribed as a "mini-
PLC with motion".
The Step pulses and the Direction signal from the CY5.4 controller are connected to the motor
driver. Additionally, the Stop (PWR LED) signal shifts the driver from Park power to Full power.
A Home Sensor channel is also part of the system.
Each system includes a CI cable (controller interface cable). This 20 pin cable is divided into two
sections. The I/O section contains + 5 v power and ground as well as six User Bits. The Chassis
section connects the Home Sensor, User Bit 2, Jog Switch, and Limit Loop signals back to the
controller. Refer to Appendix A for details.
This system is self-contained and can operate independently or under the direct command of a
host computer. In Memory Mode, the host computer is used to "teach" the system by sending a
string of commands which are stored, for later execution, in the on-board memory of the
controller card. In Direct Mode, the host commands are executed immediately by the CY545. A
combination of these two modes is also possible; typically macro command strings are loaded
to memory and then executed as required by the host.
See Appendix A for CI cable
See Appendix D for motor wiring
See Appendix B for homing / limits
See Appendix E for driver card
See Appendix C for current adjust
See Appendix F for home sensor