Motion MMI-8S User Manual

Page 22

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Refer to lines 500-1000 of the listings in this manual. These tests prove that the MMI system is
operating correctly. Typically, a motor will run back and forth several times. Observe the LED
indicator lites while the tests are running and note that each action of the system can be
monitored and that this self-test is the series of commands listed between the quotes in lines
500-1000. All actions of the system are the result of COMMANDS, refer to the back cover of the
CY 545 manual, either stored in the external memory (Memory Mode) or sent from the host
computer (Direct Mode). The third mode (Programming Mode) is when commands are sent from
the host and written into the external memory.
Computer Test Procedure
1. LOAD and RUN the Demo program which will down-load self-tests. Refer to lines 500-1000 of
the listings.

2. Verify the time delay is correct for the host computer. During testing, the system will return
the network status characters or other query information; R0FO (status) or P=000000 (position)
for example. If the returns are in segments: P=


with multiple line feeds between characters, the host computer is too fast for the comm card.
Exit the program (F5), refer to line 120, and increase the timebase (T value) for the host computer.
Re-start (shift-F5) the program.

Note the serial delay routine (GOSUB 2500) at Line 2500 is multiplied by itself; use small
increases. When set correctly, the display will have no vertical segments but also have no
excessive delay in responding to querys.

NOTE: If the message "system is busy or not connected....." appears, enter Ctrl-Break. The
system IS NOT connected to COMM 1. RESET the MMI and correct the serial cabling.

The MMI system should, when the MMIDEMO.bas is run, lite B 0 (motors enabled), lite DIR
(direction = +), BUSY lite off, and return status (none busy) to the display.

3. Motor Commands.
NOTE: Enter the following commands (Direct Mode) at the prompt. Motor E of SR4 #0 is default
(Enter Command>W0E. Symbols used below are: < = Enter key, Fx = function key.


the SMC returns position; this indicates communication is OK

p 2000<

motor will move to position 2000 ( 2000 steps CW )


? P returns P=0002000; position is 2000

p 0<

motor returns to position 0

b 0<

free motor E; B 0 LED is out