MicroNet Technology SP1659P User Manual

Page 80

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SP1659P(bandwidth)# set egress-rate 1-16 299

set ingress-rate

Syntax: set ingress-rate

Description: To setup the Ingress-rate of the port.


:syntax 1,5-7, available from 1 to 26

: 66-1024000(Kb). #1-24: 66-102400(Kb, # 25-26: 66-1024000(Kb)

Possible value:

: 1 to 26

: #1-24: 66-102400(Kb), # 25-26: 66-1024000(Kb)


SP1659P(bandwidth)# set ingress-rate 1-16 100

set storm-rate

Syntax: set storm-rate

Description: To setup the storm-ate of the port.


:syntax: 1,3-5, available from 1 to 5

1: Disable 2: Broadcast Storm Control

3: Multicast Storm Control

4: Unknown Unicast Storm Control

5: Broadcast, Multicast, Unknown Unicast Storm Control

: 1-100. The value must be the integer. The value 100 disables broadcast storm control.

Possible value:

: 1 to 5

: 1-100.


SP1659P(bandwidth)# set storm-rate 2 99


Syntax: show

Description: To display all current settings of the bandwidth.

Argument: None

Possible value: None


SP1659P(bandwidth)# show
Port Ingress Rate(Kb) Egress Rate(Kb)
====== ================== =================
1 102400 102400
2 102400 102400
3 102400 102400
4 102400 102400
5 102400 102400
6 102400 102400
7 102400 102400
8 102400 102400
9 102400 102400
10 102400 102400
11 102400 102400
12 102400 102400