Multi-Tech Systems ROUTEFINDER RF802EW User Manual
Page 25

Software Installation
3. The RF802EW Telnet Server Menu displays.
To use the menu, select the letter corresponding to the value you’d like to change.
Depending on the value you are changing, you are presented with an open field into which
you may type new information, or you are presented with a list of options from which you
may select a value. Refer to the User Guide’s Telnet chapter for complete descriptions of
each option.
Note: After entering values, select “q“ to return to the previous menu or to quit. You must
select Save and Restart Server to save your configuration to the RouteFinder’s Flash
Use the following information to configure your RouteFinder:
1. Define the Router IP Address, Router Subnet Mask, Router Name and Password by
selecting the menu letter corresponding to each item. Enter the values for the device on
your local network. The WAN Ethernet MAC
Addr. displays the hardware address of the board.
You may change the MAC address if required by your ISP.
2. Select WAN Ethernet Settings to select the function of the WAN port as Internet Access or LAN -to-
LAN Access. Enter the External IP Port Address, External Port IP Netmask, Gateway IP Address
and DNS IP Address using the IP addresses provided by your ISP or remote network administrator.
3. If you have an analog modem or ISDN TA connected to the async port, select Async
Port Settings and define the function of the port as IP Routing
or Remote Access.
• If you define the async port for IP Routing:
Enter the Telephone number, User Name and Password needed to make the
connection to your ISP or remote system. Use the menu options to provide
specific information about your modem’s serial baudrate (speed), Modem pre-
initial, initial, dial-up and hangup strings. You may also use the menu options to
create or edit Login Scripts as needed. If you are using callback security, use the
menu options to enter the Callback Telephone number. Enter the IP address of
the network device to which you are connecting in the External IP Address field.
You may Enable NAT to allow all local LAN users to share one IP address for
Internet access and to provide firewall protection. To assign IP addresses to
remote users, select Enable in the Assign Remote IP list.