Michelin Navigation User Manual

Page 82

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10. Useful Information

10.1 Memory card contents

The memory card provided contains the United States software and map set.

The SD card contains 4 folders:



contains the application needed to install the programs on
ViaMichelin Navigation X-930.



contains the programs to install.



contains the map files (“*.fdp”) and the settings files(“*.fdp.isv” and
“*.pms”) which store the card status when the system is shut down
(area displayed, zoom level, POIs displayed, etc.).



contains the POI files supplied with ViaMichelin Navigation X-930.

10.2. DVD-ROM contents

The supplied DVD-ROM contains the maps and the following applications:


SD Manager

: enables you to restore your memory card to change the cartography

content or if its contents are damaged.

Refreshing the card restores its initial settings. All current data are permanently lost.

The time required to restore the data can vary.


POI Manager

: is the application you use to import the POIs (Points Of Interest) in

“*.asc” format.

This allows you to boost the capabilities of your ViaMichelin X-930.

10.3. Why and how perform a soft or hard reset?

10.3.1 Soft reset

A soft reset restarts your ViaMichelin Navigation X-930 if the application crashes.