Michelin Navigation User Manual

Page 66

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In Navigation mode, POIs are displayed in real time. The icons showing the position of the

POIs are thus displayed on the map and move with it. If you select a lot of POI categories to
display or if you clicked "

Select all

", the information on the screen may update more


When the selected "

Map language

" is different from the "

Interface language

", town

names, street names, etc., must be searched for in the "

Map language


To prolong battery life, we advise you to leave your ViaMichelin Navigation X-930 system

connected to a power source or to recharge it after use.

The brightness level affects power consumption on the ViaMichelin Navigation 930.

Laboratory tests have achieved battery life of 5 hours with brightness reduced by half, as
compared to approximately 3 hours with maximum brightness.

To delete a letter, click the left arrow at the bottom right of the screen.
To access the number pad, click the [123] box;
To return to the alphanumeric keyboard, click the [abc] box.
On the "

Route Summary

" screen, you can use the right-hand buttons to save the departure

point and the arrival point and to change the navigation settings.

During Navigation, only the "

fastest method

" of route calculation is used.

The route calculated is displayed on the map in the form of a green line highlighting the

roads taken.

You can use the direction arrows to view the whole POI (Points Of Interest) list.
If you start the search without entering the town name by clicking "

Display all

", the system

will list the first 50 towns.

When searching for a POI in a town, the system presents the POIs in descending order of

distance from the town centre.

If you start the search without entering a POI name, the system will display a list of the

POIs it knows, or with the arrival point.

The POIs are presented in descending order of distance from the position established by the

GPS at the time of the search.

Click the (-) and (+) buttons in the top bar to zoom one level out or in on the map.
Click in the space on the top bar to zoom several levels in or out on the map.
Click the screen and move the map in the direction you want, to display the area you are

interested in.

If the coordinates show a point a long way from a road, the message “

The place selected

must be less than 25km from a road

” appears. In this case, click "


to return to the

longitude input screen.

In the settings screens, selecting an option switches it on.
In the settings screens, you can click the criterion to bring up a list of available criteria.

Then click the one you want to select.

Battery levels are shown using 3 fill levels (almost empty, half-full, full) and 3 colours

(Green, Orange, Red). The battery levels are displayed as follows:
Level between 50% and 100%:

full / green

Level between 35% and 50%:

half-full / orange

Level below 35%:

almost empty / red