Explanation of data field types – Magellan Triton 1500 User Manual
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Explanation of Data Field Types
Latitude (LAT)
Latitude is the coordinate measurement of North and South. The latitude lines run parallel to the
equator. They range from 0° (the Equator) to 90° N/S (the Poles)
Longitude (LON)
Longitude is the coordinate measurement of East and West. The longitude lines run to and from
the poles. They range from 0° (Prime Meridian) to 180° W/E (the International Date Line).
Heading is the direction a user is moving or facing, measured in
degrees relative to north. This tells you what direction you are
Bearing is the direction of a destination from the user, measured
in degrees relative to north. This tells you what direction to go. If
no Go To or Route is set, this will appear blank or dashes.
Distance to Next
Distance to Next is the measurement of distance from the user to the next destination point in a
route. In a route with multiple points, when the user arrives at one destination point, the unit
should switch its guidance to the next destination point in the route. If no Go To or Route is set,
this will appear blank or dashes.
Distance to End
Distance to End is the measurement of distance from the user to the final destination point in a
route. If no Go To or Route is set, this will appear blank or dashes.
Time to Next
Time to Next measures how much time it will take the user to arrive at the next destination point
in a route based on how fast the user is currently moving. If the user stops moving or moves away
from the next destination point, this number will become zero. If no Go To or Route is set, this
will appear blank or dashes.
Time to End
Time to End measures how much time it will take the user to arrive at the final destination point
in a route based on how fast the user is currently moving. If the user stops moving or moves in a
counterproductive direction, this number will zero out. If no Go To or Route is set, this will appear
blank or dashes.
Time displays the current time based on the settings of the active profile.
Date displays the current date based on the settings of the active profile.
Destination measures the number of degrees a user must turn to match their heading to their
bearing. It is displayed in the number of degrees L/R (Left or Right) and is in relation to the user,
not north.