GarrettCom ES42 User Manual
Page 47

ES42 Series Edge Switches
Installation and User Guide (05/05)
has two groups of eight units per power supply. The power supplies have auto-ranging AC
input for use worldwide.
The side-view < here is an example of
an installation of the model MC14-
TR+PS9, 19” rack-mount tray, holding
a few ES42, and 14E Media Edges,
each with their power input plugged
into the built-in common AC power
supply in the rear area of the tray. (AC
PS units that come with the office
models of the Edge Switch’s are not
used). Because of the thicker size, only
eight ES42 units can fit in one MC14-
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Metal mounting screws in the bottom-front hold each of the Edge Switches,
securing them in the tray and enabling separate removal for service. The dual LEDs permit
viewing of Edge Switch status from any angle.