Grizzly G0634XP User Manual

Manual insert, Machine inventory

background image

Copyright © JANUAry, 2011 By grizzly iNdUstriAl, iNC., rEVisEd MArCh, 2011 (ts)

Warning: no portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape

or form Without the Written approval of grizzly industrial, inc.

(For ModEls MANUFACtUrEd siNCE 4/11) #Bl13649 priNtEd iN tAiWAN

Congratulations on your purchase of the Model g0634Xp 12" Jointer/planer! the Model g0634Xp is the
same machine as the Model g0634 but with a "cool" new look, a different type of spiral cutterhead, and
a new end-mounting fence. Except for the differences noted in this insert, all other content in the Model
g0633/g0634 manual applies to this machine. Before operating your new machine, you MUst read and
understand this insert and the entire g0633/g0634 manual to reduce the risk of serious personal injury.

If you have any questions about this manual insert or the differences between the Model G0634XP and the
Model G0633/G0634, contact our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663 or email
[email protected].

model g0634Xp

polar bear series

12" Jointer/planer

manual insert

machine inventory

After all the parts have been removed from the

crate, you should have the following items:

common components (figure 1)


a. Jointer/planer Assembly (Not shown) ........ 1

b. push Blocks ................................................ 2

c. Cutterhead guard Assembly ...................... 1

d. hardware and tools (Not shown)

— Wrenches 8/10, 12/14mm ................1 Ea
— hex Wrenches 3, 4 mm, 3/32" .........1 Ea

figure 1. Common components.



figure 2. spiral cutterhead hardware.


spiral cutterhead hardware (figure



e. spiral Cutterhead hardware

—indexable Carbide inserts....................... 5
—Flat hd torx screws 10-32 x



" t25 .... 10

—torx drivers t25 ..................................... 5
—t-handle Wrench




" .............................. 1