English load fail-safe defaults, Load optimized defaults, Dimm overvoltage control – GIGABYTE 7VM333M-RZ User Manual
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7VM333M-RZ Motherboard
Load Fail-Safe Defaults
CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware
Stan dard CM OS Feat ures
Adva nced BI OS Feat ures
Inte grated Periphe rals
Powe r Manag ement S etup
PnP/ PCI Con figurat ions
PC H ealth St atus
Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol
Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults
Load Optimiz ed Defa ults
Set Supervis or Pass word
Set U ser Pass word
Save & Exit S etup
Exit Without S aving
ESC: Quit
higf: Selec t Item
F8: Q- Flash
F10: Save & Exit S etup
Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults
Increase AGP v oltage +0.2V.
Increase AGP v oltage +0.3V.
DIMM OverVoltage Control
Inc rease DIM M v oltage may get stable for ov er-clock . But it may damage to m emory module
w hen enable this feature.
Supply v oltage as DIMM required. (Default v alue)
Increase DIMM v oltage +0.1V.
Increase DIMM v oltage +0.2V.
Increase DIMM v oltage +0.3V.
Fail-Safe defaults contain the m ost appropriate v alues of the s y stem parameters that allow minimum
sy stem perform ance.
Load Fail-Sa fe Defau lts (Y/N )? N
Load Optimized Defaults
CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware
Stan dard CM OS Feat ures
Adva nced BI OS Feat ures
Inte grated Periphe rals
Powe r Manag ement S etup
PnP/ PCI Con figurat ions
PC H ealth St atus
Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol
Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults
Load Optimiz ed Defa ults
Set Supervis or Pass word
Set U ser Pass word
Save & Exit S etup
Exit Without S aving
ESC: Quit
higf: Selec t Item
F8: Q- Flash
F10: Save & Exit S etup
Load Optimiz ed Defa ults
Selecting this field loads the factory defaults for BIOS and Chipset Features w hich the sy stem automatically
Load Optimiz ed Defau lts (Y/N )? N