English standard cmos features, Date, Time – GIGABYTE 7VM333M-RZ User Manual
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BIOS Setup
Standard CMOS Features
The date format is
The w eek, from Sun to Sat, determined by the BIOS and is display only
The m onth, Jan. Through Dec.
The day , from 1 to 31 (or the max imum allow ed in the m onth)
The y ear, from 1999 through 2098
The times format in
military -time clock. F or ex ample, 1 p.m. is 13:00:00.
IDE Primary Master, Slave / IDE Secondary Master, Slave
The category identifies the ty pes of hard disk from driv e C to F that has been installed in the
computer. There are tw o ty pes: auto ty pe, and manual ty pe. Manual ty pe is user-definable; Auto ty pe
w hich w ill autom atically detect HDD ty pe.
Note that the spec ifications of y our driv e must matc h w ith the driv e table. The hard disk w ill not w ork
properly if y ou enter improper information for this category .
If y ou select User Ty pe, related information will be asked to enter to the follow ing items. Enter the information
directly from the k ey board and press
tion form y our hard disk v endor or the sy stem manufacturer.
Cy linder
Number of cy linders
Number of heads
Prec omp
Write precomp
Landing Zone Landing zone
Sec tor
Number of sec tors
If a hard disk has not been installed, selec t NONE and press
CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2004 Aw ard Soft ware
Stan dard CM OS Feat ures
Date (mm:dd :yy)
, Jan 1 5 2004
Time (hh:mm :ss)
22:3 1:24
} IDE P rimary M aster
[No ne]
} IDE P rimary S lave
[No ne]
} IDE S econdary M aster
[No ne]
} IDE S econdary Slave
[No ne]
Driv e A
[1.44M, 3.5"]
Driv e B
[No ne]
Flopp y 3 Mode S uport
[Disa bled]
Holt On
[All, But Keyb oard]
Base M emory
Exte nded Me mory
Total Memory
higf: M ove
Enter: Select
+/-/ PU/PD: V alue
F10: Save
ESC: Exit
F1: General Help
F5: P revious V alues
F6: Fa il-Save De fault
F7: Optimiz ed Defa ults
Item Help
Menu L evel
Chan ge the day, mo nth,
Sun. t o Sat.
Jan. t o Dec.
1 to 31 (or ma ximum
allowe d in the m onth)
1999 t o 2098