Clean up, Site considerations – Grizzly G5787 User Manual
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G5787 Meatcutting Bandsaw
Clean Up
The table and guard pieces come with a protec-
tive coating. Peel this off before cleaning these
pieces. Clean and sanitize all parts of the saw
that will be in contact with meat or any other food
items. The smaller items and table will fit in most
dishwashers. This is probably the easiest method
of cleaning and sanitizing these parts. For the
larger parts of the saw, if a dishwasher is not
available, clean with a sanitizing agent. See
Section 5: Sanitization
for details on sanitizing.
Get in the habit of cleaning your saw thoroughly
to avoid contamination and illnesses.
Site Considerations
Your Model G5787 Meat Cutting Bandsaw repre-
sents a relatively small floor load. Most shop
floors will be adequate for the 90 lb. weight of the
Model G5787. Some floors may require addition-
al support. Contact an architect or structural engi-
neer if you have any question about the ability of
your floor to handle the weight.
Working clearances can be thought of as the dis-
tances between machines and obstacles that
allow safe operation of every machine without
limitation. Consider existing and anticipated
machine needs, size of material to be processed
through each machine, and space for auxiliary
stands and/or work tables. Also consider the rel-
ative position of each machine to one another for
efficient material handling. Be sure to allow your-
self sufficient room to safely run your machines in
any foreseeable operation.
Lighting should be bright enough to eliminate
shadow and prevent eye strain. Electrical circuits
should be dedicated or large enough to handle
combined motor amp loads. Outlets should be
located near each machine so power or exten-
sion cords are not obstructing high-traffic areas.
Be sure to observe local electrical codes for prop-
er installation of new lighting, outlets or circuits.
Make your shop or kitchen
“child safe.” Ensure that
your workplace is inaccessi-
ble to children by closing
and locking all entrances
when you are away. Never
allow visitors in your area
when assembling, adjusting
or operating equipment.
When cleaning with sanitizers, always fol-
low the recommendations on the manu-
facturer’s label, and make sure that the
product will do the job for which you
intend. Never use a product that will make
your meat unsafe for human consumption.
Failure to follow this warning may lead to
sickness or death!