GarrettCom P62 User Manual
Page 6

Magnum P62-Series Hardened Switches Installation and User Guide (05/05)
www GarrettCom com
Rev J 05/07: Minor updates to power substation notes and logo change
Rev J 05/05: minor updates, Auto-cross(MDIX) on RJ-45 ports, DIN-Rail mounting wording
I 11/03
Console port pin assignments added
H 08/03
The DC Power input range is corrected, from 20-70VDC to 20-60VDC
Rev G 03/03 : This revision adds the DIN-RAIL mounting options & UL requirement for DC .
Rev F 11/02 : This revision adds the Managed mP62 models.
Rev E 06/02 : Changed Altitude spec, and added Mechanical mounting drawing in 3.1.2.
Rev D 01 / 02: This revision changes the installation proc. and operating Temp. range.
Rev C 11/01: This revision includes the magnum P62F-NOF, and metal mounting.
Rev B 08/01: This revision includes the update of additional power source
Rev A 04/01: This revision is the initial release of the P62F Hardened Switches user manual.