Grandstream Networks BT200 User Manual
Page 26

Grandstream Networks, Inc.
BT-200 User Manual
Page 26 of 35
Last Updated: 12/2006
User ID is Phone
If the BT–200 has an assigned PSTN telephone number, this field should be
set to “Yes”. Otherwise, set it to “No”. If “Yes” is set, a “user=phone” parameter
will be attached to the “From” header in SIP request
SIP Registration
This parameter controls whether the BT–200 needs to send REGISTER
messages to the proxy server. The default setting is “Yes”.
Unregister on Reboot Default is No. If set to yes, the SIP user’s registration information will be
cleared on reboot.
Register Expiration
This parameter allows user to specify the time frequency (in minutes) that BT–
200 refreshes its registration with the specified registrar. The default interval is
60 minutes (or 1 hour). The maximum interval is 65535 minutes (about 45
Local SIP port
This parameter defines the local SIP port the BT–200 will listen and transmit.
The default value for Account 1 is 5060. It is 5062, 5064, 5066 for Account 2,
Account 3 and Account 4 respectively.
SIP T1 Timeout
T1 is an estimate of the round-trip time (RTT) between the client and server
transactions. If the network latency is high, select bigger value for reliable
SIP T2 Interval
This element sets the value of the SIP protocol T2 timer, in seconds. Timer T2
defines the retransmit interval for INVITE responses and non-INVITE
requests. The SIP protocol default value is 4 seconds.
NAT Traversal
This parameter defines whether the BT–200 NAT traversal mechanism will be
activated or not. If activated (by choosing “Yes”) and a STUN server is also
specified, then the BT–200 will behave according to the STUN client
specification. Under this mode, the embedded STUN client inside the BT–200
will attempt to detect if and what type of firewall/NAT it is sitting behind
through communication with the specified STUN server. If the detected NAT is
a Full Cone, Restricted Cone, or a Port-Restricted Cone, the BT–200 will
attempt to use its mapped public IP address and port in all of its SIP and SDP
messages. If the NAT Traversal field is set to “Yes” with no specified STUN
server, the BT–200 will periodically (every 20 seconds or so) send a blank
UDP packet (with no payload data) to the SIP server to keep the “hole” on the
NAT open.
Subscribe for MWI:
Default is No. When set to “Yes” a SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting
Indication will be sent periodically.
SIP Extension to notify SIP server that the unit is behind the NAT/Firewall.
Voice Mail User ID
When configured, user will be able to dial voice mail server by pressing “MSG”
This parameter specifies the mechanism to transmit DTMF digit. There are 3
modes supported: in audio which means DTMF is combined in audio signal
(not very reliable with low-bit-rate codec), via RTP (RFC2833), or via SIP
Early Dial
Default is No. Use only if proxy supports 484 response.
Dial Plan Prefix
Sets the prefix added to each dialed number.