Fluke 2625A User Manual
Page 107

Using the Computer Interface
Computer Interface Command Set
Table 4-8. Command and Query Reference (cont)
Determines treatment of new scan data when memory is full (RS-232
0 Wrap around. When memory is full, oldest scans are discarded to
make room for new scans. This is the default mode.
1 Discard new scans. New scans are stored only when memory
becomes available. (See LOG? and LOG_CLR.)
The LOG_MODE setting is non-volatile and cannot be changed from the
instrument front panel. An Execution Error is generated if the instrument
is a Hydra Data Acquisition Unit.
Query treatment of new scan data when memory is full (RS-232 only)
0 or 1 is returned, signifying the mode set with the LOG_MODE
command. An Execution Error is generated if the instrument is a Hydra
Data Acquisition Unit
Local with Lockout (RS-232 only)
Enter the IEEE-488.1 local with front panel lockout (LWLS) state. All front
panel buttons are disabled. The REM annunciator is not lit.
Channel’s Maximum Value
Returns maximum value(s) for channels measured in the most recent
scan. The value returned represents data from the most recent scan. The
most recent scan is the scan in progress or, if scanning is not in
progress, the last completed scan.
Leave the channel specification field blank if values for all defined
channels are desired. An Execution Error results if a request is made for
a channel defined as OFF, the channel specified is invalid, the channel
specified has been set up but not yet measured, or Review array values
have been cleared. The response is a signed number with decimal point
and exponent. For slow scanning rate, 5 digits are returned (+/-
XX.XXXE+/-X); for fast scanning rate, 4 digits are returned (+/-XX.XXE+/-
X). The range setting determines placement of the decimal point.
For maximum values of all defined channels (no channel specification
made), undefined (OFF) channels are not included. For each defined
channel, a separate signed number with decimal point and exponent is
returned. Commas separate numbers for different channels, and no
blank spaces are included.