Loading paper – Farallon Communications QMS 4525 User Manual
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Loading Paper
QMS 4525 Print System User's Guide
WKHSULQWHU E\WKHSULQWHU . Loading Paper The printer has two ways of telling you to load paper in one or both 1 When the print job requests paper which is not physically in LOAD UPPER TRAY XXX PAPER 2 When the paper in one of the bins has reached the minimum LOAD UPPER TRAY XXX PAPER 1RWH,I\RXVHOHFWLQSXWELQFKDLQLQJWKLVPHVVDJHDSSHDUVRQO\ZKHQ WKHSDSHULQERWKLQSXWELQVDSSURDFKHVPLQLPXPOHYHOV 'HZ3UHYHQWLRQ6ZLWFK
input bins:
either of the input bins, this message displays:
level, the printer stops printing and displays the following