Farallon Communications QMS 4525 User Manual
Page 45

About the Printer
Spool Buffer Client
The spool buffer client is used to hold data associated with
print jobs. It is also used to hold any reverse channel data
associated with a print job. Spool buffer memory allocation
determines the number of simultaneous jobs which can be
accepted for printing.
Temporary Storage Client
The temporary storage client is used to hold downloaded
fonts, forms, and other data for non-PostScript emulations.
Adding memory to this client increases the number of down-
loaded fonts and forms that can be accepted.
PostScript Heap Client
This client, also referred to as PostScript VM, is used to hold
downloaded PostScript fonts and operators. Increasing Post-
Script Heap client memory permits printing of complex Post-
Script jobs and increases the number of fonts that can be
downloaded to VM. Allocation of memory to this client should
be increased only when the printer experiences VM errors
while printing a job or downloading large numbers of fonts.
Font Cache Client
This client is used by PostScript to cache previously scaled
bitmap representations of PostScript fonts. This reduces the
number of times a font must be converted from outline form to
bitmap form, thus decreasing processing times. This client is
used for PostScript fonts only.
Emulation Client
This client is used for memory allocation by non-PostScript
emulations. When an emulation is loaded to process a print
job, and there is not sufficient memory, the current emulation
is deleted to make room for the new emulation.
Display List Client
The display list client holds the intermediate representation of
pages to be printed. All Crown emulations produce these