Trademarks, Proprietary statement, Copyright notice – Farallon Communications QMS 4525 User Manual
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QMS 4525 Print System User's Guide
The following are trademarks or registered t rademar ks of their respective owners.
Those listed as registered are regist ered in the United States Pat ent and Tradem ar k
Office. Some trademarks are also registered in other countries. O ther pr oduct names
mentioned in this m anual may be trademarks or registered t rademarks of their
respective owners. QMS, the QMS logo, Cr own, t he Crown seal, PS Executive Series,
imPRESS, and UltraScript/ QMS, Inc. Adobe is a regist ered trademark of Adobe
Systems Incor porated, registered in the United St ates Patent and Trademark Of fice.
PostScr ipt is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incor porated for a page description
language and m ay be r egistered in cert ain jurisdictions. Throughout this manual,
“PostScript Level 2” is used to refer t o a set of capabilit ies defined by Adobe Systems
for its PostScript Level 2 page descript ion language. These capabilities, among others,
ar e im plemented in this product through a QMS-developed emulat ion that is com patible
wit h Adobe's PostScr ipt Level 2 language. Apple, AppleTalk, I mageWrit er, LaserWriter,
Macint osh, Ether Talk, and LocalTalk/Apple Comput er, Inc. Centr onics/Centronics Data
Comput er Corporat ion. Datapr oduct s/ Dataproduct s Corporat ion. DEC, DECnet , LN03,
and VMS/Digital Equipment Corporation, PhoneNET
/ Farallon Computing, Inc.
FrameMaker/Frame Technology Corporation. CompuSer ve/H & R Block. Hewlett-
Packard, HP, PCL, and HP-GL/Hewlet t-Packard Co. IBM PC
AT, PC/XT, and Token-
Ring/International Business Machines Corporat ion. ITC Avant G arde Gothic, I TC
Bookm an, I TC Garam ond, ITC Zapf Chancery, and I TC Zapf Dingbats/International
Typeface Corporat ion. Helvet ica, Palatino, and Times/Linotype-Hell AG and/or its
subsidiaries. Novell and Net Ware/ Novell, Inc. Tektronix/Tekt ronic, Incor porated. TOPS/
Sun Microsyst ems, I nc. UNI X/UNIX Systems Laborator ies, Inc. Ether net and Xerox/
Xerox Cor poration.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded sof tware included with the QMS 4525 Pr int System pr inter is
Copyrighted © 1994 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be
reproduced, modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any for m or in any manner or
on any media, in whole or in part , without the express wr itten per mission of QM S, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 1994 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL
36618. A ll R ights Reserved. This manual may not be copied in whole or in part,
nor transferred to any other media or language, without the express written
permission of QMS, Inc.