Furuno color video plotter GD1720C User Manual
Page 4

2.25.2 Acquiring and tracking targets (ARP)
..................................................... 2-29
2.25.3 D6isplaying target number (ARP, TTM)
..................................................... 2-31
2.25.4 Terminating tracking of ARP targets
..................................................... 2-31
2.25.5 Setting vector attributes (ARP) ......... 2-32
2.25.6 Displaying past position (ARP) ......... 2-33
2.25.7 ARP, TTM target data....................... 2-34
2.25.8 CPA/TCPA alarm (ARP) ................... 2-35
2.25.9 Lost target alarm (ARP).................... 2-36
2.26 Interpreting the Radar Display ............. 2-37
2.26.1 False echoes ................................... 2-37
2.26.2 SART (Search and Rescue
Transponder) ................................... 2-38
2.26.3 Racon (Radar Beacon)..................... 2-39
3.1 Plotter Displays ..................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Full-screen plotter display................... 3-1
3.1.2 Nav graphic display............................ 3-3
3.1.3 Highway
display ................................. 3-6
3.1.4 Nav data display................................. 3-7
3.2 Presentation Mode ................................ 3-8
3.3 Shifting the Display................................ 3-9
3.4 Chart Scale ........................................... 3-9
3.5 Chart Cards........................................... 3-9
3.5.1 Chart card overview ........................... 3-9
3.5.2 Indices and chart enlarge-
ment ................................................ 3-10
3.5.3 Navionics
charts............................... 3-11
3.5.4 C-MAP
charts................................... 3-14
3.6 Working with Track .............................. 3-18
3.6.1 Displaying
track................................ 3-18
3.6.2 Stopping, restarting plotting of
own ship track.................................. 3-19
3.6.3 Changing track color ........................ 3-19
3.6.4 Track plotting method and
interval for own ship track................. 3-20
3.6.5 Changing own ship track/mark
distribution setting ............................ 3-21
3.6.6 Erasing
track.................................... 3-22
3.7 Marks, Lines........................................ 3-24
3.7.1 Entering a mark, line ........................ 3-24
3.7.2 Changing mark attributes ................. 3-24
3.7.3 Selecting
type............................ 3-25
3.7.4 Erasing marks, lines......................... 3-26
3.8 Waypoints ........................................... 3-27
3.8.1 Entering
waypoints........................... 3-27
3.8.2 Editing waypoint data ....................... 3-29
3.8.3 Erasing
waypoints ............................ 3-30
3.8.4 Changing waypoint mark size
(Navionics GOLD) ............................ 3-32
3.8.5 Searching
waypoints ........................ 3-34
3.9 Routes ................................................ 3-35
3.9.1 Creating
routes ................................ 3-35
3.9.2 Connecting
routes ............................ 3-38
3.9.3 Inserting
waypoints........................... 3-39
3.9.4 Removing waypoints from a route..... 3-40
3.9.5 Erasing
routes.................................. 3-41
3.10 Navigation........................................... 3-41
3.10.1 Navigating to a “quick point” ............. 3-41
3.10.2 Navigating to waypoints.................... 3-42
3.10.3 Navigating to ports, por3 services..... 3-43
3.10.4 Following a route.............................. 3-45
3.10.5 Canceling route navigation ............... 3-48
3.11 Alarms................................................. 3-49
3.11.1 Audio alarm on/off ............................ 3-49
3.11.2 Arrival alarm..................................... 3-50
3.11.3 Anchor watch alarm.......................... 3-51
3.11.4 XTE (Cross-Track Error) alarm ......... 3-52
3.11.5 Speed alarm..................................... 3-52
3.11.6 Proximity alarm ................................ 3-53
3.11.7 Trip alarm......................................... 3-53
3.11.8 Grounding alarm (C-MAP
specification).................................... 3-54
3.11.9 Alarm information............................. 3-55
3.12 Resetting Trip Distance........................ 3-57
4.1 Sounder Displays ..................................4-1
4.1.1 Selecting a sounder display................4-1
4.1.2 Description of sounder displays ..........4-2
4.1.3 Selecting screen split method in
combination displays..........................4-6
4.2 Automatic Sounder Operation................4-6
4.2.1 How the automatic sounder works ......4-6
4.2.2 Types of automatic sounder modes ....4-6
4.2.3 How to enable automatic sounder
4.3 Manual Sounder Operation....................4-7
4.3.1 Selecting the manual mode ................4-7
4.3.2 Selecting display range ......................4-7
4.3.3 Adjusting the gain...............................4-8