FMC Corporation - Talstar FMC L06 User Manual
Page 53

Doc No: OMM50000903
Rev: B Page 53 of 65
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property of FMC Technologies, and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or made public in any manner prior to express written authorization by FMC.
31. Move the crankshaft to one side of the
power frame using a light tap from a
rubber mallet or a pry bar. Rotate the
crankshaft several turns and repeat the
light taps from a rubber mallet or the use
of a pry bar to insure the crankshaft is to
one side.
32. Mount indicator base on the power
frame with the indicator tip on a
machined shoulder surface of the
crankshaft (do not measure from a cast
surface) and the axis of the indicator
parallel to the crankshaft.
33. Set the dial indicator to zero.
34. Move the crankshaft back over to the
opposite side and read bearing endplay
as total indicator movement. Rotate the
crankshaft several turns and repeat the
effort to move the crankshaft in the
direction described in this step. Repeat
the dial indicator measurement.
Remove or add shims as necessary to
achieve proper endplay (.002” tight to
.003” loose). Distribute shims equally
on both bearing housings. Verify the
endplay with the dial indicator per this
procedure described before final
35. Install the oil seal (19) into the bearing housing. The oil seal can be installed with
light hammer blows. When properly seated it will be flush with the face of the
bearing housing.
36. Install the piston rod seal holder (9) and seal retainer (8) in the power frame per
instructions in section 9.4.1. The crankshaft should turn freely.
37. Complete reassembly of pump.
38. Torque all fasteners as outlined in Fastener Torque Requirements, Section 11.0
of this manual.