Setting a randomized interval, Deleting a previously set timer schedule – Fortinet FortiDB User Manual
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FortiDB Version 3.2 Privilege Monitor User Guide
Setting Schedules
Configuring PM
Click the Delete Timer button in order to delete either the Interval or Time to
start scanning settings.
Setting a Randomized Interval
Setting a Randomized Interval
In order to make it difficult to predict your monitoring times, you can also set a
monitor-reporting schedule that, while dependent on your chosen Interval value,
will not run exactly that often.
If you check the Randomized checkbox, a random number is used to modify your
specified interval in order to establish the time of the next monitoring. After each
monitoring, the calculation is performed again--with another random number. This
makes it extremely difficult to predict the time of your next monitoring, however,
the average of all of the random-number-calculated intervals will, over time and
after a sufficient number of monitoring evaluations, be equal to your specified
Deleting a Previously Set Timer Schedule
Deleting a Timer Schedule
You can delete a previously set Timer schedule by clicking on the Delete Timer