Technical information, 1 nmea 0183 sentences – Furuno GP-330B User Manual
Page 18

4.1 NMEA 0183 Sentences
Transmitted NMEA 0183 Sentences
Datum Reference
GPS Fix Data
Geographic Position –Latitude/Longitude
GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
GNSS Satellites in View
Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
Time and Date
* Default output
Received NMEA 0183 Sentences and Commands
Setting related to the altitude of the sensor
Change the baud rate from the nominal 4800 baud to 38400
$PAMTC,DATUM Define local datum
Enable/disable transmission of specific sentences, and
change their rate of transmission
Reset the user portion of nonvolatile EEPROM to factory
$PAMTC,OPTION WAAS ON/OFF. Set 2d/3d/Auto mode. Set WAAS Satellite.
Set WAAS Tzz Parameter.
Set Query Power On Self Test function
Query part number and serial number versions
Query GPS hardware and firmware versions
$PAMTC,RESET Reset the GP-330B
Enable/disable Simulate Mode
Pause or resume all automatic transmission of messages
Request to $PFEC,pidat