FANUC Robotics America GFK-1541B User Manual
Page 196

CSMA/CD See Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection.
Data Communications Equipment (DCE) Examples: Modems and transceivers. Distinct
from DTE, Data Terminal Equipment.
Data Link Layer In Open Systems Interconnection architecture, the layer (Layer 2) that
provides services to transfer data over a physical link between open systems. Consists of the
LLC and MAC sublayers.
Data Terminal Equipment Examples: computers, terminals, printers. Distinct from DCE,
Data Communications Equipment.
DCS Words See Detailed Channel Status Words.
Detailed Channel Status Words Two status words containing detailed information on a single
Series 90 channel. The DCS words are retrieved using the Retrieve Detailed Channel Status
Directory Information Base (DIB) A collection of information used for directory services (like
name resolution). In this document DIB refers to the DDP database which is actually
distributed among all DDP devices instead of in a single name server. (See also Distributed
Directory Protocol (DDP)).
Distributed Directory Protocol (DDP) The GE Fanuc proprietary protocol used to provide
distributed name service on a TCP/IP Ethernet network. The distributed nature of DDP
means that there is no centralized name server.
Domain Name System (DNS) The predominant name service protocol used by the Internet.
DNS is primarily used to resolve a name into an IP address.
Dotted-Decimal The notation for IP, gateway, and name server addresses as well as the subnet
mask. It consists of 4 decimal numbers (0-255) separated by periods. Example IP address:
Duplex The ability to send and receive data simultaneously (full duplex) or not (half duplex).
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) A superset of the BOOTP protocol (See
Ethernet Global Data (EGD) A proprietary protocol that provides efficient connectionless
periodic data transfer over an Ethernet network. Operates over the UDP protocol.
Ethernet Interface The general term used in this manual to identify the GE Fanuc hardware
module, with or without software, that connects a PLC (or CNC) to a network. It may also
appear in the shortened form, “Interface”. (See also LAN Interface.)
Exchange In Ethernet Global Data, a set of variables or memory locations within the PLC or
other device to be transferred from a Producer to a Consumer. (See also Producer,
Exchange ID In Ethernet Global Data, a numerical value assigned by the user to identify a
specific data exchange to be sent by the producing device. (See also Producer, Consumer,
Exchange Status Word The 16-bit Exchange Status word continuously indicates the status of
an Ethernet Global Data exchange.
Extended Netid See Subnet Id.
Flash Memory A type of read-only memory that can be erased and reprogrammed under local
software control. It is used to store data that must be preserved when power is off.