Network address naming architecture, Name assignment – FANUC Robotics America GFK-1541B User Manual
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Network Address Naming Architecture
Naming architecture provides users the ability to refer to their Ethernet Interfaces in terms of a
symbolic name rather than a numerical address. This name, commonly referred to as the network
address name
, can be constructed from the following character set:
a-z A-Z 0-9 ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | - = \ { } [ ] : ” ; ’ < > ? . /
The comma is not a supported character for network address names.
Note: the Series 90-30 CPU374 does not support network address naming.
Name Assignment
Name assignment associates a symbolic name to an IP address. There are three aspects of name
assignment. The network may employ all or none of the name assignments described here. The
next section, Name Resolution, will describe the mechanisms to acquire the address information
(IP address) from an assigned symbolic name.
DDP Name Assignment
The first aspect of name assignment deals with the assignment of a network address name to an
Ethernet Interface. The Ethernet Interface will register this name with DDP (a GE Fanuc naming
protocol), and can be resolved using DDP Name Resolution, as described in a following section.
There are two methods to assign a DDP network address name to an Ethernet Interface.
Default DDP Network Address Name
The first method is a default mechanism for the Ethernet Interface to assign itself a network
address name. If the Ethernet Interface has no source for a network address name at startup, it
will generate a name in the form:
“cmm321_xxxxxx” for the Series 90-30 Ethernet Interface
“cpu364_xxxxxx” for the Series 90-30 CPU364 Embedded Ethernet Interface
“cmm742_xxxxxx” for the Series 90-70 Ethernet Interface (Type 2)
where xxxxxx is the ASCII representation of the six rightmost hexadecimal digits of the MAC
address used by this module.
This default mechanism will be used whenever no name is assigned to the Ethernet Interface in
the module configuration using the PLC programming software (if supported), as described in the
following section.
Assigned DDP Network Address Name
The second method is assignment of a network address name to the Ethernet Interface by the PLC
programming software (if supported). The network address name is assigned in module
configuration as the Adapter Name for the Ethernet Interface and stored to the PLC. This
assigned DDP network address name will override the default DDP network address name. See
Online Help in the PLC programmer software for instructions. (For the Series 90-30 Ethernet
Interface, a network address name may only be assigned with the Station Manager command,
This command is documented in GFK-1186, TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for
the Series 90 PLC Station Manager Manual