FANUC Robotics America GFK-1541B User Manual
Page 162

Producer Period
A value with the possible range of 10–3,600,000 (10 milliseconds to 1
hour) representing the scheduled repetition period at which the data is to
be produced on the network. In the PLC, the Ethernet Interface will
produce the data at this interval independent of when the CPU updates
the data sample. The default is 200 milliseconds. For the CPU374, the
range is 2 milliseconds to 1 hour. The CPU374 also allows a zero
producer period which indicates producing “as fast as possible”.
Round this value to the nearest 10 milliseconds (2 milliseconds for the
CPU374) before you enter it. The producer period has a resolution of 10
milliseconds (2 milliseconds for the CPU374). If you enter a value such
as 12 milliseconds, the actual producer period will be rounded up to 20
milliseconds (not rounded for the CPU374).
Reply Rate
Currently not used.
Status Word
A variable that identifies the memory location where the status value for
the produced exchange will be placed. Valid memory types are listed
later in this chapter.
Exchange Variables
A list of data elements making up the snapshot of internal memory that
will be produced on the network. Each exchange has one variable list,
which will be transmitted to the consuming device as a contiguous set of
bytes. A maximum of 100 variables can be defined in one exchange
definition and the size of all combined elements cannot exceed 1400
bytes. The data types BOOL and BOOL_STATE are not allowed for
exchange variables.