FANUC Robotics America GFK-1541B User Manual
Page 133
May 2002
Command 3004, Example 2 – Force Single Coil
Set coil 10501 ON in the remote Modbus/TCP device using the value at %Q4. Return the
COMMREQ Status word to %R10. Use channel 6, a channel previously opened with the Open
Modbus/TCP Client Connection COMMREQ.
Dec (Hex)
Word 1
00008 (0008)
Length of Channel command Data Block
Word 2
00000 (0000)
Always 0 (no-wait mode request)
Word 3
00008 (0008)
Memory type of CRS word (%R)
Word 4
00009 (0009)
CRS word address minus 1 (%R10)
Word 5
00000 (0000)
Word 6
00000 (0000)
Word 7
03004 (0BBC)
Write to a Modbus/TCP Device
Word 8
00006 (0006)
Channel number (6)
Word 9
00005 (0005)
Modbus Function Code – Force Single Coil
Word 10
00072 (0048)
Local PLC Memory Type
Word 11
00004 (0004)
Local PLC Starting Address
Word 12
00501 (01F5)
Address in the Remote Device
Word 13
00001 (0001)
Number of Coils in the Remote Device.
Word 14
00001 (0001)
Unit Identifier
* Word 4 (CRS word address) is the only zero-based address in the Command Block. Only this
value requires subtracting 1 from the intended address.
(Word 7) Channel Command Number:
Word 7 identifies the COMMREQ as a Write Data to
Modbus/TCP device.
(Word 8) Channel Number:
Word 8 identifies the channel number previously allocated for
communication with the remote Modbus/TCP server.
(Word 9) Modbus Function Code:
Word 9 specifies Modbus Function Code 5 Force Single Coil.
(Word 10) Local PLC Memory Type:
Words 10–11 specify the location in the local PLC from
where the Ethernet Interface will get the data to be written to the remote PLC. Valid values for
Word 10 are listed on page 4-14.
(Word 11) Local PLC Starting Address:
Word 11 determines the starting address in the local
PLC from which the data is to be written. The value entered is the offset (1-based) from the
beginning of PLC memory for the memory type and mode specified in Word 10. This offset will
be either in bits, bytes, or words depending on the mode specified. Valid ranges of values depend
on the PLC’s memory ranges.
(Word 12) Remote Device Address:
Word 12 specifies the destination coil address in the
Modbus/TCP device.
(Word 13)
Number Coils in Remote Device:
Words 13 specifies the quantity of coils to write to
the remote device. For Modbus Function Code 5, Force Single Coil this must be set to 1.
(Word 14) Unit Identifier:
Default is 1. This field is typically used by Ethernet to Serial bridges
to specify the address of a Modbus Slave on a multidrop link. The Modbus/TCP Unit Identifier is
a special control code used in a Modbus/TCP message block. This value is 1 for most
Modbus/TCP messages.