Basic measurements – HP 6000 User Manual
Page 37

Making a basic Horizontal/Azimuth Measurement
Be sure Platform Power supply is securely attached and plugged in
Attach antenna to rotator platform with SMA connector
Turn Platform Power ON.
4. On your analyzer select S21, POLAR Plot and the proper Calibration set Example: 4 to 6 Ghz @ 201 Points.
*if your analyzer has not been calibrated, you need to follow the calibration procedure listed in chapter 1
Select the total Number of degrees you want the platform to move using the “Total Degrees Slider”, the total
amount will be shown in the slider window.
Select the “Degrees Per Measurement” setting of your choice using the associated Slider. The “Total number
of measurements” window will be updated once a selection has been made.
Select your Direction using the CW/CCW selection
Press the “Measure Horiz Sweep” Button to start the measurement Process
During the measurement process you will see the Rotator Platform moving and center frequency data starting to
appear on your screen. The “Measure Horiz Sweep” button will remain greyed out for the duration of the
measurements. Once the button has returned to its normal state you may enter the “Advanced Processing” section
or perform other Post Measurement options.
Chapter 3 - Making Measurements
Basic Measurements
Making a basic Vertical/Elevation Measurement
Be sure Platform controller is turned on and connected.
Attach antenna to rotator platform with SMA connector
Start the DAMS Software.
4. On your analyzer select S21, POLAR Plot and the proper Calibration set Example: 4 to 6 Ghz @ 201 Points.
Be sure the platform angle matches the position displayed on the screen, if it is not correct refer to the vertical
calibration information located on page --
Set the vertical position slider to the desired start position and press the Manual Move button, this will move the
platform to the beginning Elevation position.
Select the desired stop position on the vertical slider.
Press the “Measure Vert Sweep” Button to start the measurement Process
During the measurement process you will see the Rotator Platform moving and center frequency data starting to
appear on your screen. The “Measure Vert Sweep” button will remain greyed out for the duration of the
measurements. Once the button has returned to its normal state you may enter the “Advanced Processing”
section or perform other Post Measurement options.