Measurement settings – HP 6000 User Manual
Page 24

Chapter 2 - Software Overview
Measurement Settings
Measurement Settings
Instrument Selection and Settings
You can now choose from multiple combinations of instruments such as a Signal Generator and Power Meter or Signal
Generator and Spectrum Analyzer.
Available Modes of Operation
2. Signal Generator and Power Meter
3. Signal Generator and Spectrum Analyzer
4. Signal Generator and Multimeter
5. Special Recieve Only Mode.
6. Emulation Mode. (Simulated Dipole Measurement)
(NOTE: Any instrument that you want to select must be
configured in the VEE I/O Configuration program prior to
Source Instrument Settings
Receive Instrument -Power Meter Settings
NOTE: These settings also apply for the RECEIVE
ONLY instrument.
Start / Stop Frequency- Enter the frequency in GHz
Decimals are ok , example: 450Mhz = .45
Number of points- Similar to a VNA configuration
you may choose the number of frequency points for
the sweep, click the “Freq Increments” window to
display the calculated Frequency Step.
Output Power- Sets the output power of the Signal
Generator. format is dBm.
Trigger Mode- Changes the way the power meter
reads the sensor, this setting is only applied to
certain meters.
Trigger Delay- This sets the delay / Settling time
between when the Signal generator is called and the
power meter is queried for a reading. format is in
seconds. Example: 1/10 second = .10
Sweep Delay- this sets the number of seconds the
signal generator will wait before initiating the sweep.
this allows larger antennas a chance to completely
stop moving.