Trend analysis page (s7999b only) – Honeywell Local Operator Interface S7999B User Manual

Page 49

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The S7999B must be assigned an IP address by a DHCP

server for it to operate on the local network, so the Use DHCP

box should be checked. However, because the S7999B

requires this feature, it ignores the checkbox and always

regards it as checked. The checkbox is included for future

purposes when dynamic IP addressing isn’t required.

Trend Analysis Page (S7999B Only)

Trend analysis of R7910 or R7911 status data can be viewed

on the S7999B. A graph displays a historical view of R7910 or

R7911 status data over varying time periods.

A 2-dimensional graph with status data values shown on the Y

axis over time specified on the X axis is displayed. Status for

the most recent time is represented on the left side of the

graph with older status running towards the right side of the


Fig. 106. Trend analysis page.

Up to 4 R7910 or R7911 status variables can be viewed at the

same time on one trend analysis graph. Select the status

variables for the graph on the menu page (see Fig. 107). This

menu displays when the Trend Analysis button is selected on

the R7910 or R7911 status page.

Fig. 107. Trend analysis menu page.

The status variable with the largest range (minimum to

maximum) is used as the Y-axis range in the graph.

As the status variables are selected they are listed in a trend

variables list box. The user chooses the status variables from a

drop down menu and then presses the Add button to add each

status variable to the trend variable list. See Fig. 108. After all

status variables have been selected press the Show button to

view the trend analysis graph.

Fig. 108. Trend analysis menu page.

Each status variable displayed in the trend analysis is

represented by a different colored line, as follows:

1. First status variable = green

2. Second status variable = yellow

3. Third status variable = red

4. Fourth status variable = blue

No more than two different measurement units (such as

degrees), are allowed for the status variables selected in the

trend analysis graph. Attempts to add a status variable with a

third measurement unit are rejected.

A second Y axis is displayed on the right side of the graph to

represent the scale for the second measurement unit. This can

result in minor clipping of the curves on the right side, as

shown in Fig. 109 and 110.