2 reset the connection set (od index 1011h), 3 factory reset (sdo index 207fh), 12 emergency messages – ifm electronic JN2100 v.2.2.0 User Manual

Page 29: 1 failure monitoring, 1 node guarding / life guarding

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Inclination sensor JN


11.2 Reset the connection set (OD index 1011h)
The saved communication profile (OD index 1000h - 1FFFh) can be reset to

the factory settings via the entry 1011h/01h by writing the command "load"

(64616F6Ch) in this entry. After a "reset application" (NMT command) or a

hardware reset the changes become effective. If a "reset communication" (NMT

command) is transmitted, the factory settings of the communication parameters

become effective.
11.3 Factory reset (SDO index 207Fh)
To reset the manufacturer-specific parameters of the inclination sensor (SDO

index 2000h – 5FFFh) to the factory settings the value 1 has to be written to the

respective parameter (SDO index 207Fh).

If the value 1 is read when this parameter is read, the factory reset was successful.

If the value 0 is read, the factory reset failed.
The factory reset also applies to the settings of the communication protocol (CiA

DS-301), for example the node ID or the baud rate. If the node ID or the baud rate

was changed, the changes only become effective after a reset of the device.

The data of the factory setting (node ID = 10, baud rate = 125 Kbits) are only valid

again after this reset.

12 Emergency messages

Every inclination sensor supports EMCY messages which are transmitted in the

event of sensor, temperature, hardware or guarding errors.

If one of these errors occurs, the error register (OD index 1001h) and the pre-

defined error field (OD index 1003h) are updated.
After rectification of the error the device transmits an EMCY message with the

"error reset" code (0h) and the current state of the error and manufacturer status

register. The current device state ("pre-operational, operational or stopped") is not

influenced by the error states (except for guarding errors).
12.1 Failure monitoring
As in a CANopen network the nodes do not respond regularly in the case of

an event-controlled transmission, heartbeat and node guarding/life guarding

mechanisms are available for failure monitoring.
Only one of the two monitoring methods can be used.
12.1.1 Node guarding / life guarding
Node guarding is the monitoring of one or several nodes by the NMT master.

The NMT master periodically transmits an RTR telegram to the slave to be

monitored which responds with its own status and a toggle bit.

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