FloAire Demand Control Ventilation System User Manual
Page 32

May 2014 Rev.5
The following table lists Fault messages displayed on the HMI and corrective actions. Review this list prior
to consulting manufacturer.
Fault Message on HMI
Potential Cause
Corrective Action
FIRE or fire circuit not wired
If no fire, verify connection between
terminal blocks C1 and AR1.
“Equipment Disable
High Temp”
Duct temperature exceeded the
High Temp Equipment shutdown
Threshold and shut down the gas
valve and energizes the shunt trip.
Verify why Temp in duct is high.
Verify the Threshold value under
Configuration is set sufficiently high
(250 degrees default).
“Light Fault Zone 1
Bx De-
Light output is energized but no
power is detected on terminal B1.
Verify that the light relay is not
damaged and that the light circuit
breaker is not tripped.
“Light Fault Zone x
B1 energized
Light output is de-energized but
power is detected on terminal B1.
Verify that the light relay contact is
not welded in the close position.
“Overload Trip
One of the overload relays for fans
associated with zone 1 is tripped.
Reset overload relay. Monitor fan to
see why overload tripped.
“Surfactant Low”
Surfactant level is low.
Refill Surfactant into the tank. Refer
to Self-Cleaning or CORE manual.
“PCU Fault”
PCU filters are clogged or missing.
Verify PCU filters and replace if
“Proving Fault”
Fan Proving Interlock enabled.
Exhaust fan not meeting its
minimum calibrated load.
Verify fans are running properly.
Verify Fan Proving calibration. Refer
to Fan Proving Interlock section.
“Fuse F1 Blown”
Fuse F1 is blown or missing
Replace fuse and verify there is no
short-circuit and load is below 4
“Temp Sensor x
Not Connected
Temperature sensor x is not wired
to the ECPM03 board.
Verify proper wiring to terminals TxA
and TxB on the board and wiring to
the sensor.
“Modbus Communication
One or several components on the
Modbus network are not
Verify HMIs are all plugged in. Verify
CORE or PCU AFM are plugged in if
configured as such.
“CORE x Fault”
Fault description
Specific fault is present on the
CORE fire system
Refer to the CORE manual for
specific fault description.
“PCU x Fault”
Fault description
Specific fault is present on the PCU
AFM x connected to the system.
Refer to the PCU AFM manual for
specific fault description.
"Sup 1 Interlock"
"Check MUA-1 Controls "
Interlock signal was not received
back from the MUA.
Verify MUA is not faulted and
damper is fully open.
Verify Interlock is properly wired.
or “Sup”
"VFD Fault"
VFD fault on Exhaust or Supply
Refer to the VFD manual for details
“Temp Sensor x
Bad Sensor”
Bad Temp Sensor due to
overheating or internal failure
Replace the Temperature Sensor