FloAire Demand Control Ventilation System User Manual

Page 21

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May 2014 Rev.5


h. Configure Misc. Options:

1. Enable Electric Gas Valve control

This option will be enabled by default if the system is equipped with CORE Protection Fire
Starting from the Main menu of HMI, p

ress DOWN or UP until the screen displays “Misc Options”.

Press ENTER. Press UP or

DOWN until the screen displays “Set Gas Valve”. Press ENTER.

Press UP or DOWN to turn this option ON or OFF. Press ENTER.
Press MENU multiple times to get back to the main menu or one more time to reboot the

2. Enable Electric Gas Valve Follow Fans (Factory Default: OFF)

This option is only available when Gas Valve is turned ON or CORE is enabled.
Starting from the Main menu of HMI

, press DOWN or UP until the screen displays “Misc Options”.

Press ENTER. Press UP or DOWN until the screen

displays “Gas Valve Follow Fans”. Press

ENTER. Press UP or DOWN to turn this option ON or OFF.
Press MENU multiple times to get back to the main menu or one more time to reboot the

3. Enable Shunt Trip Follow Fans (Factory Default: OFF)

Starting from the Main menu of HMI, press the MENU button. Press DOWN or UP until the
screen displays “Misc Options”. Press ENTER. Press UP or DOWN until the screen displays
“Shunt Trip Follow Fans”. Press ENTER. Press UP or DOWN to turn this option ON or OFF.
Press MENU multiple times to get back to the main menu or one more time to reboot the

4. Adjust the Temperature Hysteresis (Factory Default: 2°F):

The hysteresis is used to prevent the fans from cycling ON and OFF when the temperature in the
duct is near the activation value. The fans will turn ON when the duct temperature exceeds the
activation value, but they will only turn off when the duct temperature goes below the activation
temperature minus the temperature hysteresis. For example, if the activation Temperature is at
85 °F and Temperature Hysteresis is set to 2 °F, the fans will turn ON at 85 °F and will turn OFF
at 83 °F.
Starting from the Main menu of HMI

, press DOWN or UP until the screen displays “Misc Options”.

Press ENTER. Screen displays

“Set Temp Hyst”. Press ENTER. Press UP or DOWN to adjust

the Hysteresis value. Press ENTER
Press MENU multiple times to get back to the main menu or one more time to reboot the

5. Adjust the Hysteresis Timer (Factory Default: 30 min):

The hysteresis is used to prevent the fans from cycling on and off too often due to small
appliances generating just enough heat to turn on the fans but not enough to keep them ON for a
long time. The Hysteresis Timer will maintain the fans on after they have been activated by
temperature for a minimum time set by this timer, even if the temperature in the duct cools back
Starting from the Main menu of HMI

, press DOWN or UP until the screen displays “Misc Options”.

Press ENTER. Press UP or DOWN until the screen displays

“Set Hyst Timer”. Press ENTER.

Press UP or DOWN to adjust the Timer value. Press ENTER
Press MENU multiple times to get back to the main menu or one more time to reboot the

6. Adjust the Max Air Time (Factory Default: 30 min):

Starting from the Main menu of HMI, p

ress DOWN or UP until the screen displays “Misc Options”.

Press ENTER. Press UP or

DOWN until the screen displays “Set Max Air Time”. Press UP or

DOWN to adjust the Timer value. Press ENTER.
Press MENU multiple times to get back to the main menu or one more time to reboot the