Re-releasing documents in error, Invalid watched folders, Installing the export connector – Kofax Capture Export Connector for Documentum 6.7 User Manual

Page 11: Separate computers, Installation instructions

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Ascent® 7.5 Release Script for Documentum 6.0-6.5 Release Notes

Kofax, Inc.


Multipage TIFFs

If you are releasing multipage TIFFs, you must use the Split Multipage TIF step in your Adobe

Acrobat Capture workflow.

Releasing From Multiple Kofax Capture Standalone Workstations

If you use multiple Kofax Capture standalone workstations and one Adobe Acrobat Capture hub,

you must create unique Adobe Acrobat Capture “workflows” and “watched folders” for each

Kofax Capture standalone workstation. This is because Adobe Acrobat Capture uses Kofax

Capture document IDs for its document-naming scheme. Since standalone Kofax Capture

document IDs may not be unique, the document names could conflict in Adobe Acrobat Capture

and cause the export process to fail.

Re-releasing Documents in Error

If an Adobe Acrobat Capture error occurs during the export process, you must clear your Adobe

Acrobat Capture finished documents and cancel any hung documents before re-releasing the

same documents in Kofax Capture.

Invalid Watched Folders

If you attempt to export documents to an invalid Adobe Acrobat Capture watched folder, the

documents will be rejected. To cancel the export, click Cancel on the Kofax Capture PDF Export

window displayed at the Export workstation. The Cancel button will automatically cancel the

Adobe Acrobat Capture documents.

Installing the Export Connector

You can install the export connector on a Kofax Capture client workstation or standalone


Important Notes About Installing the Export Connector

You must have Windows administrator privileges. If you do not have administrator privileges

and install this export connector, you may receive error messages and several of the files may not

install correctly.

Separate Computers

You must install the Kofax Capture software and the Documentum server components on separate

computers. If you install Documentum and Kofax Capture on the same computer, communication

between any Documentum components and the DocBroker will fail. This is an unsupported

configuration. (SPR 00009740)

Installation Instructions

Use the following instructions to install the Ascent® 7.5 Release Script for Documentum 6.0-6.5.

X To install the export connector


Insert your installation CD into your CD drive.