Viewing edocuments with tiff images, Releasing folders with subfolders, Key fields – Kofax Ascen 7.0 Release Script User Manual
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Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for IBM Content Manager for iSeries 5.1-5.3 Release Notes
Kofax, Inc.
Client Fails With "-2147417848 Method '~' object '~' failed" Error
You may receive an error if you attempt to release a folder when some index class key fields have
at least one space or number, and is 21 characters in length or greater. The error only appears
when the key field is part of the folder's properties. (SPR 28658)
Workaround: To avoid this problem, make sure the index class is part of the document's
properties and not the folder's properties. In addition, make sure that the index class is 20
characters in length or less.
Viewing eDocuments with TIFF Images
If you attempt to view a document that contains eDocuments and TIFF images in the Content
Manager viewer, you will only be able to see the first text file. The viewer will not allow you to
browse or view the remaining files. This is because Content Manager imports the text files with a
Content Class. (SPR 29477)
Workaround: To view the remaining text and/or image files, you will need to export the
Releasing Folders With Subfolders
If you attempt to create a new subfolder to an existing folder structure (that composes of an
existing subfolder and the subfolder contains an existing folder), release will fail. The folder
structure would look like the following in this unique case. (SPR 28785)
Folder1 (existing)
Subfolder2 (existing)
Subfolder3 (existing)
Subfolder2b (new)
Release will fail with the following error message:
Failed to create Document. Folder creation failed.
One of the following cases would apply for the new subfolder to release successfully:
The entire folder hierarchy is new.
The existing root level folder contains no existing subfolders.
The existing root level folder contains one or more existing subfolders and those
subfolders do not contain folder(s).
Workaround: Manually create the subfolder.
Key Fields
If the content of a key field is linked to an Ascent Capture Index field or Batch field that is left
blank at release, the release script will find the first matching folder based on the other key fields
that actually contain data. (SPR 29113)
Workaround: Edit the key field and make sure the Ascent Capture Index fields or Batch fields are
not left blank.